천주교 서울대교구 사회사목국 이주사목위원회 MIGRANT PASTORAL COMMISSION

문의하기 오시는길 사이트맵

페이스북 인스타그램

상담센터 Counseling Centers


이주노동자 상담실 안내
Phone 02-928-2049, 924-2706-7 address (4th floor)95, Bomun-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, Korea
E-mail migrant@catholic.or.kr operating hours weekdays 9:00 ~ 18:00 (lunch break 12:00~13:00)
Main task

The Migrant Pastoral Committee provides necessary assistance to migrant workers, marriage immigrants, international students and refugees regardless of nationality or religion and helps them settle down in Korea. We provides general administrative and legal support for immigrants such as overdue wages, hospital connection, family counseling, Korean language classes, assistance with returning home and participation in immigrant events. For further information, please call the Migrant Counseling Center (02-924-2706/7) or the Seoul Catholic Intercultural Center (02-953-0468).


Interpretation is available in Vietnamese, Chinese, English, Mongolian, Indonesian, and Spanish.